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No New Posts Speed Demon Game

This game you have 3 levels the first level you have 3 speed demon symbols and 3 ticket amounts if you get the ball into the speed demon slot you start the second level which has 3 circles each circle has ticket amounts and the first 2 have 3 arrows which takes you from the first to the second to the third wheel; if you make it to the third wheel you get the jackpot amount of tickets.

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No New Posts Skeeball Game

This is your standard Skeeball game you get 9 balls and the higher the score you get the more tickets you win. The points are 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 in a row and 2 on the side are worth 10,000 points

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No New Posts Claw Machines

These are all sorts of claw machines some have tickets; some have stuff animals which represent a gift or tickets that you can win.

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No New Posts Deal Or No Deal

This game is a lot like the real game show you pick a case and then you do 6 get an offer and hit deal or no deal, then keep going either keeping your case or taking the deal, the amount in each case is a number of tickets you can win

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No New Posts Monopoly Game

This game is a lot like the real monopoly game, except you have a computer screen showing you the properties and you spin a wheel which rolls the dice and then your token moves around the board that many times, each property you land on gives you a certain amount of game money and places a Hotel on the property if there isn’t one, the more game money you earn the more tickets you earn at the end you earn a bonus amount if you get hotels on 3 of the same color property and you spin the bonus wheel landing on free parking

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No New Posts Racing Games

These are all sorts of racing games from Motorcycle, to Cars, to ATVs, and any other thing you can think of; upto 4 players can race at a time, the one who wins get the most tickets, but all 4 players still get tickets.

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No New Posts Yahtzee Game

This game is setup like a medium sized Yahtzee board; you have 5 balls and you hit a button and the balls land in holes that represent a dice number, the goal is to make the best Yahtzee score just like the game, better the score more tickets you win; you get 3 pushes and you can hold the dice you want to and the remaining balls will be redone

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No New Posts Basketball Game

This game is setup like a small basketball court you have to get the basketball into the hoop and the higher your final score the more tickets you earn.

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No New Posts Stacker Game

This game has a board setup almost like tetras, but the blocks don’t change shape and you have to stack them up without missing the stack, if you reach the minor prize you get 500 tickets if you reach the major prize you get 35,000 tickets

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No New Posts Wonder Wheel Game

This game is a lot like Smokin’ Token except there isn’t a slope it is like a ramp that shoots the token forward into slots with different values that give you tickets based on the number it lands in

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No New Posts Jumping Jackpot Game

This game is like jumping rope, however it is a virtual jump rope; the rope is represented by a line it starts of slow, but it goes faster and faster, you have to fill the word Jackpot in to get the Jackpot

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No New Posts Slam A Winner Game

This game has a wheel in a plastic tube that has different denominations 2 have a raised yellow that says Jackpot; each other one has a number and if your ball lands in it you get tickets equal to that number. The Jackpot value is listed on a screen; there is also a slot that says mystery value and one that says add bonus ball

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No New Posts Sponge Bob Square Pants Jellyfish Fishing Game

This is another spinner game there is a Sponge Bob Square Pants with a net in his hand and jellyfish all around the circle where he spins wherever he stops with his net pointing is the number of tickets you win.

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No New Posts Knock Down Game

This is a game where you have fuzzy clown like things that you have to hit and knock down the more you knock down the more tickets you win

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No New Posts Pinball Machines

These are all sorts of pinball machines you can play the higher your score you earn on it the more tickets you win

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No New Posts Sonic & Tails Spinner Game

This is a spinner game there is Sonic and Tails on it, you have to hit a button twice the first time stops Sonic and that’s the first number of tickets you win then you have to hit the button again and it stops Tails and that’s the second number of tickets you win

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No New Posts Smokin' Token Game

This is a game with a slope and you put the token into the slot at the top and the token drops down the slope and goes into one of the slots and you get the number of tickets that the number is

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No New Posts Basketball Skeeball Game

This looks like a regular game of skeeball, however instead of just circles with numbers for points you find basketball hoops that have numbers on it that earn you points; the higher the points the more tickets you win

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No New Posts Big Rig Truckin' Game

This game has 3 toy sized big rig trucks with a number of tokens in their bed and you have to try and hit the flag on it to cause the truck to dump it’s tokens, you get tickets for the number of tokens that is in the bed

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No New Posts Terminator Game

This game is set in the story-lines of the Terminator Movies; you are a Human fighting against the Terminators and the Machines trying to protect the survivors.

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No New Posts Hunting Game

This is a game where you can hunt all sorts of game like Deer, Pheasants, Rabbits, etc. on a game screen not in virtual reality

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Akadeanna Hawk: welcome guests! We are accepting members! Plenty of ranks available; plus 3 Dragon Clutches to be on the sands as well as a Flitt Clutch! Dec 7, 2017 22:24:04 GMT -5
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